Miscellaneous Writings 1897 22nd Edition


Miscellaneous Writings 22nd Edition 1897

by Mary Baker Eddy

8 1/2″ x 11″ reproduction.

Light yellow cover.

Price:  $20

Availability: In stock

SKU: MW22nd Category:
22nd Edition Miscellaneous Writings – 1897

by Mary Baker Eddy

“As I go over the pages of this book I see the sturdy and characteristic evidences of your Puritanism, and your love of country, home, and all that goes to make up the nobility and sweetness of our loved New England thought.”

“What section of our blessed land has been the battle field for liberty, spirituality, and freedom in as great a degree as has the dear old Bay State and your own New Hampshire?  Spiritually considered, the book appears to me as a great mountain of practical Christian Science…on every page of this most valuable addition to our literature.”

“Thanking you from the depths of my heart for all your love, watchfulness, tenderness, example, and care, believe me, Sincerely and affectionately your child, Carol Norton.”

[Quotations rom the Christian Science Journal, March, 1897.  Pages 586-88]