No & Yes 1st Edition Reproduction
This is a reproduction of Mrs. Eddy’s First and Second Edition of “No and Yes”.
The capitalization is much more pronounced in the 1st and 2nd “No and Yes.” Mrs. Eddy knew when to capitalize and when not to capitalize. The 1st Edition contains 8 extra pages dealing with Malicious Mental Malpractice, while the 2nd Edition excludes those pages. It’s quite interesting as Mrs. Eddy uses the terminology of “mind-quacks” throughout those 8 extra pages. My personal opinion is that Mrs. Eddy “dumbed down” on the 2nd Edition by excluding the “Malicious Mental Malpractice” pages. My opinion is that she felt the field was not ready for that topic, which is why the 1st Edition is very rare. What say you?
The differences between today’s edition and the early editions are practically on every page after 1921. The capitalization of words seems to be missing which is HUGE if one does not know when to capitalize and when not to capitalize. Many of the pages are different from the 1st and 2nd, but this could be from the changes over the years that Mrs. Eddy made.
Price: $12.
2 pamphlets included.
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