Science and Health – 2nd Edition – 1878.


Reproduction.  Warm White Cover.

8 1/2″ x  11″ paperback.

Availability: In stock

SKU: SH 2 Category:

Also known as the “Ark” or “Noah’s Ark” Edition.

     “The following is a brief sketch of one of the most diabolical conspiracies that ever disgraced the annals of history…”  Dr. Eddy and E. J. Arens had been arrested for conspiracy to murder D.S.–.., but the murdered man was alive and well, hidden away, and making merry with his friends.” (Quotations from SCIENCE AND HEALTH 3rd Edition, pages 20-21 by Mary Baker Eddy).

There were also various issued involving the Printer in this volume.  Only half the book was published (being  “lost”) and there were several mistakes in the typeset.  Mrs. Eddy made a list of errors and insisted the printer include this list, although there were huge resistance to this.   Only a portion of this 2nd edition was published–most pages having been ruined.  Thus the words “Volume II” were included on the Title page, with the intent of being united to the 1st Edition.