Science and Health – 3rd Edition – 1881.


Reproduction.  Warm White Cover.

8 1/2″  x  11″ Paperback.

Availability: In stock

SKU: SH 3 Category:

Includes the 1st and 2nd Volumes.

     “I was prostrated by disease and almost in despair, when I obtained your book, ‘Science and Health.’  In one week after I began its perusal I was so restored as to be able to attend to my household duties, and am now in good health, all of which I owe to the science it explains, and to the mental atmosphere, or effect of the author’s mind that we receive from her book.”  CLARA A. CHOATE, Boston.

“In times like these, so sunk in sensualism, I hail with joy your voice, speaking an assured word for God and immortality, and my joy is heightened that these words are of woman’s divinings.”  A. BRONSON ALCOTT, Concord, Mass.