Herbert Eustace Reciting “Clear Correct Teaching” – Flash Drive


Flash Drive

Availability: In stock

SKU: CCT_Flash Category:

In 1939, Herbert W. Eustace recorded “Clear Correct Teaching” on 93 Glass Records using a home-recording machine.  These records have been minimally restored to reduce distortions and to preserve the original tone and quality.  The ONLY restoration was “hiss reduction” to reduce background static and “balance” to keep the volume at an even sound level throughout.  A few distortions remain.  Please forgive these blemishes.  The primary goal was to preserve this rare, quality piece of art as well as to make it accessible to you and the public.

Mr. Eustace took occasional liberties with words–in some places the wording is not exactly as in the “CCT” book.  He also says “Page number” when he was referring to the Record number.
